Thursday, April 15, 2010

Constraints to leadership

Constraints to leadership
Internal constraints
  1. Programmed decisions :If decisions are programmed leaders get little room for exercising leadership.
  2. Lack of skill and trains :If leaders lack required skills and traits,effective leadership is constrained.
  3. Control over rewards :If leaders lack control over rewards and punishment,leadership is constrained.
  4. Work situation :If characteristics of work situation can be changed,leadership is constrained.
  5. Decentralization :If the leader wants to do all things by himself,leadership is constrained.This leads to overloading.Teams cannot be built.
  6. Organizational changes :If organization is not open to changes in leader behavior,leadership is constrained.
Overcoming leadership constraints
  1. Job engineering :Make structure changes in jobs.
  2. Control :Give control over reward and punishment to the leader.
  3. Reward :Give reward for leader behavior for improving performance.
  4. Training :Trains leader to increase his competencies.
  5. Situational style :Change leadership style according to situation.
  6. Decentralization :Devolve decision making authority to lower levels.
  7. Transformational leadership :Leaders provide individual consideration and intellectual stimulation to followers.

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